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The ultimate in trust

Some folks have suggested entrusting the U.S. government with
the task of certifying Internet commercial documents.  We have many 
agencies renowned for their reliability to choose from,
such as NASA and the USPS.  

This idea is so obviously good that it's worth expanding upon.
All Internet documents could be personally signed by our universally 
beloved and trusted president@whitehouse.gov, Bill Clinton.  While 
government officials in general are the epitomy of trustworthiness, 
surely no other government official will claim priority in integrity
and consistency over our duly elected leader.  If Bill Clinton can't 
take all the workload, I suggest Congressman Dan Rostenkowski 
and Senator Al D'Amato be put in charge of Internet signatures.

Non-U.S. residents may object, but of course you don't need to
do commerce on the Internet unless you do it our way.  We are
obviously the only country of any consequence.  Besides, any 
non-American on the National Information Infrastructure is 
probably just engaged in industrial espionage: we need to keep 
a close eye on you people.  To you foreigners, the worthless 
95% of the world's population, we might as well in our brash
American style say it out loud instead of just implying it:
get of Our Net and take your business elsewhere.

just a few modest proposals,
Nick Szabo				szabo@netcom.com
